Tuesday, 16 September 2008

Autumn Reflections

Last weekend Caroline, Lucas and me went for a walk at Karlslund's Herrgård. The crispy air and the sunny weather had invited us on this tour. A day like this makes me reflect of the time to come, as far as work is concerned. There are so much possibilities and my problem is that I want to participate in everything!

However, after a talk with my supervisor and this Autumn walk, the planning looks like this: first, we'll travel to Holland with Lucas. I will also read some texts for our course "Geography Classics". Moreover, I will attend a Emigration Fair in Zenderen and will talk with families thinking of migrating to Sweden.

I will also make sure that my name is on the list for a course on Interview Methods, which will be held at Örebro University this Autumn. More reading needs to be done in order to prepare for lecturing in a course called Economic Geography. For this, the book by Knox and Marston is a must. Besides this, Peter and me are invited to come and lecture at a course in Social Work. We have to explain the use of Human Geographic terms such as place and space in front of 170 students. . . .

...Last but not least, I will participate in some conferences. Sustainable Cities and Regions in Örebro in March 2009; A network day for PhD Students in Gothenburg in May 2009 and a Nordic Geographers Meet in Åbo/Turku (Fi) in June 2009. Pfffff...

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